Although St.Valentine’s Day is over…

Opublikowano: 2023-02-19 21:20

…. here is a bunch of information on this heart-warming event.
Valentine’s Day tradition in Great Britain already began in the XV century! The oldest Valentine card was made in 1415, by Prince Charles of Orleans for his wife. Today, each British spend about 70£ for Valentine’s gifts.

This romantic tradition in the USA had been started by Esther Howland in the XIX century. She had her own company that made Valentine cards. These days, similarly as in the UK, cities are full of romantic atmosphere and people organise a lot of different activities, like unusual lessons and games for kids.

Although both countries are so far away from each other, like in many countries in the world, it’s an intrinsic fashion of couples eating romantic meals, watching love comedies and of course… buying sweet gifts!

I wish there were more such touching events out of 365 days in a year J

                                                           written by A.Nabakowska kl.1R